Good news from Guangzhou. My fiancee Ling passed the interview and got a "Pink" slip. As you can imagine, we are thrilled thrilled thrilled.
She lined up outside the US Consulate building around 7:00 am, about 7:15 they began issuing numbers and processing everyone in. I waited with NYTimes (Ben) and another fellow we met there (Alex) in the coffee shop for several hours in hope of hearing the good news.
Ben's SO came down first with a big smile and waving a pink slip. Alex's wife was second, they had been waiting for 2 years. I had to wait about another hour or so until my Ling came downstairs.
Her interview did hit a couple bumps. After getting through security, she was seated in the same room I was for ACH, waiting to be called. She heard her name, went up to the window and opened the seealed package of papers from the medical exam, the worker tells her this is wrong. She had called someome else with same family name, but given name was Ping, not Ling. Ohh no. She asked the worker, what to do, but she didn't have any advice, just sit back down and wait.
I would of been thinking, ohh no...interview is over, I need to go back to hospital for another sealed package. But it worked out okay, when Ling was actually called to the window, the lady asked her to open her package, she pretended to open it, and the lady never even looked up. hehehehe. whew. She collected all the papers and her passport and was given #1111, then sat back down.
After that, they did the swearing in, and then the finger prints, and she continued to wait.
When she was called to the VO window for the interview, it was short and pleasant. The VO was young American man. It went as follows:
Ling: Good morning.
VO: Good morning and smiled.
VO: Who applied for VISA for you.
Ling: Answered with my name.
VO: What is your finance's job?
Ling: He works for Government, FAA.
VO: Oh, FAA.
VO: Do you have copy of his taxes?
Ling: Yes, gives him the whole financial folder with 3 years tax transcripts, I-134, letter from employer, and all pay stubs for 2007.
VO: Looks through them.
VO: When did you get divorced?
Ling: 2001.
VO: When did your finance get divorced?
Ling 2006, but separated in 2005.
VO: How did you meet your finance?
Ling: On the internet.
VO: When?
Ling: April 2006.
How many times has he come to China?
Ling: Five times.
VO: Can I have his passport?
Ling: Yes, and gives my passport to him.
VO: Looks at passport and gives it back.
VO: ni tong guo le (which means "You Got It")
VO: gong xi ni (which means You can celebrate)
VO: yi lu shun feng (which means "Have good trip")
VO: Hands pink slip to my Ling.
When she came downstairs, she tried to hide it from me, but I could tell by her face....She got it!
It's great to be able to share this expierence with CFL members, as so many before have shared their expierences to help me. I really want to say thank you to everyone that has posted advice or insight into the VISA process. I attribute the knowledge I gained from this site, to helping Ling and I prepare for our successful interview. Thank you all once again.
Here is a shot of Ling, the morning of the interview, with the "Kitchen Sink." I think it is bigger than most, with the bulk being a years worth of Yahoo Messenger chat transcripts in the middle. I think she may develop carpol tunnel shoulder from lugging it around all day.
This is Ling and son Chao in the coffee shop, after the interview, happy with the "Pink SLip" in hand.